53 Project Ideas From Beginner to Advanced


53 Project Ideas From Beginner to Advanced



Finding project ideas and implementing them has always been a difficult process for beginners. Every day, I encounter hundreds of people asking what they can do with the highly praised and exaggerated programming languages on pages such as Reddit, Facebook, Twitter and technology blogs such as Devto and Medium. For this reason, I wanted to start a thread. A thread containing only project ideas. I am creating a review article solely to inspire people who want to learn a new language and test their capabilities. I will add new ideas to the comments below the article. In this way, I aim to prevent as much as possible the questions of what beginners can do with such and such a program.

Let me give you a few ideas at the beginning:

Try to use mind mapping techniques whenever possible. Write the subject headings as keywords and place the right project under the right title using the tags in the notes you took.

Porting - Integrate project ideas given in another language into your new language

Old School - Rewrite your first projects while learning another language in their simplest form via commandline (without using AI)

Code Sharing - Do not hesitate to share your codes for non-commercial purposes. Watch your mistakes being criticized mercilessly while sipping your coffee.

A bird in hand is better than a bird in the bush. A project that works is better than crazy ideas that don't work. Do it until you make it.

P.S: The list consists of 53 ideas. Not 50. I wanted so. Full-stop :)

Project Ideas From Beginner to Advanced

1-Web Scraper #scraper

2-File encryptor #filetool

3-URL Shorthener #urltool

4-CLI Chat App #chat

5-RESTFull API #api

6-Image Recognition #ml #dl

7-Stock Market Analysis #stock #market

8-Markdown to HTML Converter #converter

9-PDF Generator #generator

10-Social Media Analytics #analytics

11-Video Stream Server #server

12-Blockchain implemantation #blockchain

13-Content Management System (CMS) #website #cms

14-Email Client #email

15-Task Management System #task

16-Online Marketplace #ecommerce

17-Realtime Chat App #chat

18-URL Monitoring Tool #url

19-Proxy Server #proxy

20-Web Crawler #crawler

21-Blogging Platform #blog

22-Password Manager #password

23-Task Scheduler #task

24-Image Gallery #gallery

25-Markdown Editor #markdown

26-Expense Tracker #finance

27-Budget Tracker #finance

28-URL Validator #url

29-Recipe Sharing Platform #recipe

30-Text To Speech Converter #tts

31-Forum or Discussion Board #forum #discussion

32-Chatbot AI #ai #chat

33-log Analyzer #log #analytics

34-Weather App #app #weather #api

35-Code Review Tool #code

36-Music Streaming Service #stream #service #music

37-Markdown Blog Generator #markdown #blog #generator

38-Auction Platform #platform #auction

39-URL Shorthener #url

40-TODO App #todo #task

41-Flashcard App #flascard

42-News Aggregator #news #api #rss

43-Social Media Scheduler #social #schedule

44-Data Visualization (Diagram etc. ) #data

45-URL Filtering Proxy Server #url #proxy

46-URL Parser #url

47-Password Strengh Checker #password #cybersecurity

48-RSS Feed Reader #rss #reader

49-Quiz Application #quiz #app

50-Video Conferencing Tool #video

51-Employee Management System #business

52-Encrpyt - Decrypt Tools #filetool

53-Code Snippet Manager #snippet #code

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